Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year & A New Me: “Sh*t Happens”

Well folks it has been one hell of a year. My poker, career, family, and personal life have had plenty of ups and downs. From more bad beats on the river to finally beginning to understand the business side of poker, also keeping a job past 6 months, having losses and additions to the family, and having ups and downs with multiple women in my life. It is with clear perspective I can say that 2008 was a mediocre year. I garnered more debt, but in that I have learned new responsibility and will prosper from the mistake. I take everything that happened in 2008 and sum it up as a fraction of 1/24Th’s. It was one real down year for me out of my 24 that I have been on this earth. Some people have multiple years of failure, bad luck, or just terrible things that happen to them. The worse thing that happened to me personally was my car getting impounded the week of Thanksgiving. I mean if $945 can affect my sanity like that, then what does that say about me. At the time it was hard because it is my one lively hood that enables me to go and come from work, so it was a major issue, but maybe not to the extinct that originally took it. That is why in 2009 I have set goals to achieve with the overall mindset of “shit happens”. If we always let those unforeseen curve balls throw us off track then how can we ever be successful? How can we ever truly achieve greatness if we don't use setbacks as a way of motivation to push through and break the walls down? In my blog pages so far I haven’t included a lot of my poker play and or pondering hands. What I have included have just been introductory pages into the person I am as I continue to develop my skills and hone my talents as a poker player. In 2009, you will see me delve more deeply into strategy for online Multi Table Tournaments and cash games, also live cash games, the influence from other poker friends and players in the online poker community, and key hands from tournaments that I will play in. As well as a host of other poker related material. This year will be my year and my time for me to break into the mainstream. Poker will no longer just be “The Evil Monkey That Lives In My Closet”. It will be……?????

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